Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Whatcha Want? - Final 4 Voting

Thanks to everyone who Tweeted at us with what match-up they wanted to see us play this weekend.  There were a lot of great suggestions, making is tough to narrow down, but here are the final four:

FIFA 15: Chelsea vs. Man United
Madden 15: Seahawks vs. Broncos
Madden 15: Eagles vs. 49ers
NBA 2k14: Heat vs. Spurs

These are all exciting match-ups and we here at Game Stadium are pumped to play any of them.  Submit you vote below for which one you want want to see us play.  Make sure you get all of your votes in by Thursday at midnight, and visit the blog first thing on Friday to find out which match-up reigns supreme. 

Whatcha wanna see us play this weekend?

Monday, September 22, 2014

Whatcha Want?

Obviously, we here at Game Stadium love to challenge each other in sports video games, and we know how much you all love watching sports and sports video games.  Because of this, we have decided to post a weekly video of two Game Stadium bloggers going head to head in some of the latest games.  How will we decided which game we will play and what teams we will choose?  Well, that is entirely up to you, the fans.  Starting now, Tweet your suggestion (both video game and team match-up) to us @Game_Stadium.  By Wednesday at noon, we will choose the four suggestions that we like the most.  You will them be able to vote on which match-up you want to see played out.  Voting will end on Friday at midnight, and over the weekend we will play and record the match-up that you all wanted to see.  Finally, make sure to head to the blog first thing Monday to watch the game.  Hope to hear all of you input!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ray Rice in Madden No More

According to Mike Garafolo of Fox Sports 1, EA Sports has announced that they will remove former Baltimore Raven Ray Rice from the newly released Madden 15.  That's right, the runningback's indefinite ban from the NFL has extended to the video game world.  The removal will occur with the next set of roster updates, which according to EA Sports will come by this Friday.  As long as Rice cannot play football in the NFL, no one will be able to play as him in Madden 15. 

EA Sports made the decision in the wake of Rice's release from the Ravens and indefinite suspension from the NFL this Monday.  These actions were brought upon as consequences for the domestic abuse of his now-wife Janay back in February.  The fallout from the abuse case originally only landed Rice a two game suspension; however, video of the altercation released by TMZ on Monday changed everything.  The never before seen video showed every detail of the punch straight to his then-fiance's face, which knocked her out cold. He is then seen dragging her body out of the elevator in which the event occurred.  The brutal attack has caught the nation's attention and has caught quite the outrage.  Due to his horrific actions, EA Sports and other companies has made the decision to cut ties with Rice.

I believe that the decision made my EA Sports to remove Ray Rice was absolutely the right one and a total no-brainer.  Not only would keeping a woman-beater in their video game cause a very poor image, but it is hands down the moral thing to do.  Domestic violence is a major problem in this country and specifically in the NFL.  Men who physically abuse women in any way deserve no positive attention, and allowing Ray Rice to remain in one of the world's most popular video games gives him exactly that.  In a way, not removing Rice from the game would come across as EA Sports condoning his actions.  The other reason that I agree with this decision is that professional athletes, whether they like it or not, are role models for children everywhere.  And Madden does an amazing job of allowing kids to play as, and pretend to be, their heroes.  The removal of Rice prevents kids from playing as a man who thought it was okay to punch his fiance square in the face.  The NFL has no room for people like Ray Rice and neither does EA Sports' Madden 15. 

-Liam Morlath